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News: 3D printing expert Janne Kyttanen has produced prototype printed pasta, breakfast cereal and burgers to demonstrate how advances in 3D printing could transform the way we eat.

Kyttanen, co-founder of design studio Freedom of Creation and creative director of printer manufacturer 3D Systems, told Dezeen: "Food is the next frontier. We’re already printing in chocolate, so a lot of these things will be possible in the next few years."
To illustrate the possibilities, Kyttanen has 3D-printed models of pasta in plastic and cheese burgers in plaster. "I printed burgers just to create an iconic image and make people realise that one day we will be able to 3D-print a hamburger. And once you do, you don’t want to print a traditional hamburger; you can print the weirdest thing you can imagine."
3D-printed food by Janne Kytannen
Kyttanen believes it's only a matter of time before technology enables us to print molecules in combinations that produce tasty meals. "At the moment the technologies that we use are very, very crude. So they solidify matter, either by powder or by liquid or extruded filaments and so forth," he said. "But at the end of the day it’s just atoms and molecules, so [one day] we will have technology where you can just move molecules or you can move atoms."
However, he concedes that we're still a long way off downloading burgers to print at home and that only a viable market will push companies to pursue the technology. "If you can’t find a good business model for it, it won’t happen," he says, suggesting that possible avenues for firms to explore would be fun items and novelty experiences, like having your own head scanned and printed in chocolate.
3D-printed food by Janne Kytannen
Kyttanen also believes design can learn from food when it comes to copyright, hinting that the sharing of design ideas should as acceptable as sharing recipes. "I look at design and for me, it's like food," he says. "It’s very fast and everything I need is in my computer, and I can make whatever I want, whenever I want."
"If you look at all the recipes on the internet, everything is free and everything is shared," he continues. "Who’s going to come to your house, watch you make a pasta bolognese and say, 'you know what, you can’t make that'?"
3D-printed food by Janne Kytannen


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Muhammad Naveed